

Half Yearly Director’s Report of Samaritan Development Project

For the period of January to June-2016.

First week of January-2016, staff and our kids came back safely at the Children Home after Christmas vacation.  I have the pleasure to present the projects report mainly on Education and Micro-Credit of HELP Bangladesh, Samaritan Children Home. I express our thanks, gratitude and deep regards to Global Development Group-Australia. 


The school was started in 2nd week of January-2016 and then annual exams result was given to the students as the kids went on Christmas vacation in December after their annual examination. The students got new books those who were promoted in new grades. They were given school dress to the kids who were needed. We also purchased teaching materials, sports goods, one computer, fans and few chairs and table during this reporting period. The school authority have opened the science group this year and already started classes with 5 students besides the Humanities and Commerce group. The students have already written first semester exams and now taking preparation for 2nd semester exams. The school was remained closed for a week due to Eid holidays were our home children have arranged sports competition and enjoyed the whole week. The students of grade X visited historical places in capital city as a part of school education tour.

The school arranged annual sports and invited the Member of Parliament (MP) of the commanding area as well as the local administrative officers of the Government and local elite persons. I should say that we got positive responses from all of them as the Member of Parliament (MP) and other officers were present in time. This is a positive indicator to work with the local government starting in the year-2016. 35 students of grade 10 have appeared in public exams and out of them 33 have successfully succeeded in the examination and one girl got A+ marks. 24 students have already admitted in the college in grade 11 and staying our College Hostel with the students of grade 12.

Micro Credit Project:

Micro Credit Project is registered under the Government of Micro Credit Regulatory Authority and its activities are maintaining according to the policy of the Authority. Presently there are 1375 members consisting of 84 groups working in 10 villages. This project is meeting all expenses out of their income. The project fund is not enough to provide credit loan to the group members due to fund crises. The members who have taken loan are implementing small business like flower gardening, poultry firms, grocery shops, tailoring, cow and goat rearing, vegetables and fruits planting etc. We have observed changes in the families as women are now at work and getting profit by investing loan in the projects which is used as additional income in the family.

As you may know that the country of Bangladesh is having lots of terrorist attacks by the so called Muslim militant groups. Mainly minority people and moderate Muslim is the target by this militant group. We are planning to build the Science building which is going to be separate from the main school building.  We are requesting you all to join your helping hands to build the Science building next year. 

Thanks for your loving prayers and financial support to our HELP ministry for six months.

Best Regards,

David A Halder
Founder Executive Director
HELP Bangladesh
Samaritan Children Home
Phone: +8801713010254
Email :


Health Education Leadership Program International Incorporated.

Annual General Meeting

25th September, 2015
Carlingford Baptist Church, NSW

I  am very pleased to  present this  Annual Report to  the  Corporation Members of  H.E.L.P. International Inc. at our 17th Annual General Meeting. I express my deep gratitude to the Committee Members for their sacrifice, co-operation and advice for the H.E.L.P work over the last 17 years. I am very thankful and grateful for the interest and financial support of all members and supporters.

H.E.L.P.  International Inc.  continues  to  be  a  Christian,  non-political, social  and  international development organization working among the needy people of Bangladesh. The goal of the organization is to provide the following –

  • Shelter, food, medicine, clothes and education for under privileged children and women.
  • Cultural practice for the intellectual growth of the children.
  • Financial assistance to underprivileged students who show potential for tertiary education.
  • Vocational skills training for underprivileged young people.
  • Emergency relief in times of natural disaster when possible.

25th Anniversary :

The political situation was inauspicious for three months from January to March. Gradually it has improved and is now more stable. I was anxious as to whether the 25th  Anniversary should take place on 13th February during the worst political scenario we had ever faced and we thought we may have  to  reschedule the  celebrations to  a future date. Finally I took the risk and the celebration went ahead as scheduled.

The 25th  Anniversary was not only to celebrate my achievements but it recognizes the contribution of all my friends and well-wishers who  helped  me  to  overcome  hard  times  and economic distress. These 25 years are a demonstration of success and Christian witness that began in 1989 at my rented house with only 6 orphan kids. The number of kids increased rapidly to 25. Presently we number over 450 orphans and needy children.

In 1990 with the help of a group of Christian leaders, businessmen, pastors and dedicated social leaders we met together and founded the HELP Bangladesh organization. Then the process got legal approval from the Government and finally the project, called ‘Samaritan Children Home’ was approved by the Social Welfare Department and NGO-Bureau for foreign donations. Again, I should say, it was the blessing of the Lord over these 25 years to enable the work of HELP to continue as we faced action and reactions. However, I have found benevolent and dedicated families, plus a couple of organizations and churches in America, Australia and the Netherlands who came forward to stand beside me and my kids. The 25th Anniversary celebration took place on 13th February, 2015 in the presence of 21 overseas friends from America and Australia as well as friends from my own country. The campus was well decorated by the staff and children. The program was so excellent with participation from the friends, children and staff. I am grateful for them joining with us, in spite of the threatening political situation. I felt that God was kind and sent His angels to illuminate the Home.

Education :

Education is one of the vital aims of the children’s home, from Play Group to Grade 10 at the Home campus, then grades 11 and 12 to college level at the Joy Hostel. 30 students from grade 10 sat for public exams and all of them passed with the following results – grade A = 5 students, Grade A- = 10, Grade B = 11 and Grade C = 4 students. 8 college students in grade 12 attended the public exams but only 4 of them passed with the following results; Grade A = 1 student, A-= 1 and B = 2 students.

The Children’s Home School this year has already completed 2 semesters for the primary section and 1 semester for the high school students. Grades 5, 8 and 10 are preparing for public exams in October and November 2015. 23 (14 girls and 9 boys) have been admitted to college for grade 11. They have moved to the Joy Hostel from the children’s home. Md. Osman Gani, the mathematics teacher, has resigned and joined a Government School. His replacement is Mr. Sajib Baidya, the science teacher, who joined us while Gani was with us.

Micro Credit Project:

Our Micro Credit Project is registered under the Government of Micro Credit Regulatory Authority and its activities are maintained according to the policy of the Authority. The Credit Committee arranged an Annual General Meeting on 14th February, 2015. Over 1000 women members participated out of 1300, from 84 groups, working in 10 villages. The members were so delighted to get the group members together to exchange their opinions, business policy information, loss-profit discussions, market price fluctuations, use of credit loans etc. In the AGM, it was exciting to see the participation of the women who once were supposed to keep silent. They have now changed radically since investing their labor in practical ways. Most of the guests from overseas were present in this meeting and they observed the response of the members. They could see the empowerment capability of these women who are now earning members in their families.

Medical :

Dr. Jolly and her medical team keep the children under close supervision. They teach health and hygiene classes as scheduled. Dr. Jolly took the initiative to check the girls regularly and try to control skin diseases. Treatment is given for common ailments. More seriously ill patients are sent to the Hospital. Mrs. Champa Biswas, our Senior Nurse, resigned in order to work in the hospital. In September, we recruited a new Senior Nurse, Mrs. Jerin Champa Mondol, the wife of Mr. Binoy Mondol, who was once resident in our home.

Prayer and Praise Points:

1. Pray for Teacher Sajib and Nurse Jerin; for adjustment to their new assignments.
2. Pray for the grade 12 students from the Joy Hostel who did not succeed in the public exams;
that they can make better preparation for the next exams.
3. Pray for the Joy Hostel grade 11 students; for their higher education.
4. Praise God for the grade 10 students from the Children’s Home School who had 100% pass.
5. Praise God for all our sponsoring families.

Thanks for your loving prayers and financial support to our HELP ministry over the years.

In His service,
David A Halder