About Us

About Us

HELP-Bangladesh children home was established in 1990 by a group of Christian Leaders, Pastors, Businessmen & Missionaries. Their hearts were burning for the street children, orphaned and underprivileged children of Bangladesh. The goal of HELP Bangladesh is to help children through healthcare, education, leadership, program in Bangladesh, so that they may contribute leadership to their own communities when they grow up. This program is taking the children off the streets and placing them in a loving, caring home where they receive healthcare, education, food, clothing and shelter.

HELP began when David Halder and his wife Namita took 6 needy children in to their home in the city of Dhaka, The number of children increased to 25 within two months and it was expensive to rent bigger accommodation in the city . So, the HELP committee decided to move out from Dhaka to savar which is 30 kilometers northwest of Dhaka. We rented a four beded house with 2 additional rooms and where we accommodated up to 159 children until June, 1995. Mrs. Anita Chowdhury, a generous Christian lady from Bangladesh donated a big piece of land having 2.4 acres. Now we have 6 acres of our own. Friends from USA provided a large sum of money to build a dormitory building for 200 children. In the following year another family friends from USA, Australia & Kimon from Netherland were involved with this ministry and contributed financial resources over the years. I am very thankful to them and all others who are involved with this ministry for last twenty years.

Our Mission

HELP Bangladesh- Stands for Health, Education and Leadership Program Bangladesh. HELP Bangladesh envisions a future where every orphaned and underprivileged child can flourish in a nurturing environment that provides holistic support, including education, healthcare, and life skills. We aim to create a community where children are empowered to become responsible leaders and contributing members of society. Through our commitment to community development, we also strive to uplift local families by offering economic opportunities, healthcare services, and vocational training, ensuring sustainable growth and self-reliance for both children and the wider community.

Holistic Child Development:

We are committed to nurturing and empowering orphaned and underprivileged children through comprehensive support systems, including education, accommodation, nutrition, healthcare, sports, and leadership development, enabling them to grow into well-rounded, independent individuals.

Creating a Safe and Nurturing Environment:

At Samaritan Children Home, we aim to provide a secure and loving home for every child, ensuring they have access to essential resources, personal space, and a sense of belonging that fosters emotional and physical well-being.

Empowering Through Education and Skills Training:

We strive to equip children with both academic knowledge and vocational skills, enabling them to succeed in their personal and professional lives. Through initiatives like our computer and sewing centers, we aim to instill practical skills for future self-sufficiency.

Fostering Compassionate Leadership and Community Engagement:

Our mission is to inspire children to become compassionate leaders who contribute positively to society. Through various extracurricular activities, cultural events, and community-based projects, we promote values of teamwork, empathy, and social responsibility.

Empowering Community:

Our mission is to uplift underprivileged families by providing access to microcredit, enabling them to start small businesses and achieve financial independence, while also ensuring comprehensive healthcare services for both our children and the local community. Through these initiatives, we aim to promote economic growth, well-being, and a healthier, more self-sufficient future for all.