Dear Friends

Greetings to you all in God’s wonderful name, from the Samaritan Children Home. You may be aware of the political unrest in Bangladesh these last few weeks. We are not directly affected at the Children’s Home but the whole country has been brought to a stand still by a Muslim extremist group. The extremist group and activists continue their rampage and clashed with the law enforcers in the capital as well as other parts of the country, leaving almost 118 people dead and 500 wounded, including 15 police men. Five police were killed. The activists are now burning the houses of minority groups, targeting especially Hindu groups and their temples. We Christians are still safe, but I don’t know for

how long! Please do pray for our safety and for peace in the country.

New Chaplin: We are very thankful for a committed couple who have just graduated from the  CDC in Dhaka. They joined our staff in early January. Ujjal is our Chaplin and Amita Paul is a school teacher. Both of them are helping our kids spiritually and they have special responsibility for our Chapel ministry.

Education: Our Samaritan School got permission to have the grade 6 and 8 public exams at our school. That means we don’t have to transport our children to another centre to sit for their exams. 205 kids were admitted to our school this year – the highest number ever. Now there are six hundred kids studying here, from Kindergarten to grade 10.

Joy Hostel: Praise God for funds to complete the Joy Hostel this year. We resumed the construction work after the funds were  approved  by  the NGO Bureau in early March. The money came from the estate of the de- ceased daughter of an Australian couple, for whom we are so thankful.

Visitors: We had a visit from a group of 20 young people from the Hong Kong University YMCA. They spent one day entertaining our kids and teaching them songs. Also we had a big group from the SIL, ‘Proshika’ course. They were a story-telling group from Australia. Fred and Julie Spica from USA, spent a week with us and helped Namita (Halder) in her Kindergarten class. Julie and Fred gave so much love and care to our little boys and girls. Their teachers were very grateful for the fellowship.

Global Recordings Network International: conducted a Recordist Training Course at the Home from 5th February to 28th March, 2013. Many people were involved in this training of Recordist Trainers and Trainees. The six participants were from Australia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal and USA. At the end of the 2-month course, certificates were presented by John Rulison, the GRN Training Coordinator.

Shuely’s Big Problem: “My name is Shuely Roaja, a student of grade 6 at the Samaritan Children’s School. I came here in 2009 when I was 6 years old.  I had an accident, falling on a hilly road, and had severe pain in my right hand and el- bow when I went home during the Christmas vacation in 2011. My mum gave me some pain killers and I felt a little better. After my vacation I returned to the Children’s Home but I still felt pain in my right hand and elbow. I visited our Home doctor and he also gave some pain killers but I could not write or eat with my right hand. Last Christmas (2012) when I went home, my mum and relatives took me to the local clinic and they had an X-ray done and found that I had a fracture very close to the elbow. So the local doctor operated and put a nail close to the fracture.  Since then I could not move my hand at all.  I did not want to re-

Shuely’s Big Problem: “My name is Shuely Roaja, a student of grade 6 at the Samaritan Children’s School. I came here in 2009 when I was 6 years old.  I had an accident, falling on a hilly road, and had severe pain in my right hand and el- bow when I went home during the Christmas vacation in 2011. My mum gave me some pain killers and I felt a little better. After my vacation I returned to the Children’s Home but I still felt pain in my right hand and elbow. I visited our Home doctor and he also gave some pain killers but I could not write or eat with my right hand. Last Christmas (2012) when I went home, my mum and relatives took me to the local clinic and they had an X-ray done and found that I had a fracture very close to the elbow. So the local doctor operated and put a nail close to the fracture.  Since then I could not move my hand at all.  I did not want to re-

turn to the Children’s Home because I could not do anything with my right hand. I was late returning to the Home and I told my story to my Big Uncle (David) and he sent me to an Orthopaedic doctor.”

Shuely: needs to have another operation in Dhaka to remove the nail because she cannot bend or lift her hand at all. She does not have a sponsor, so we are praying for provision for the needed surgery.

Thanks for your continued support for all of us including our staff and children, at the Children’s Home.