Health Education Leadership

Program International Incorporated.

Annual General Meeting

21st September, 2013

Carlingford Baptist Church, NSW

It is my privilege to present this Annual Report to the Corporation Members of H.E.L.P. International Inc. at our 15th Annual General Meeting. I am very grateful to the Committee Members for their continued prayers for the H.E.L.P work over last 15 years.  Special thanks go to Geoff Bartlett, Chairman of H.E.L.P,  Brian and Dianne Willoughby and Harry Snodgrass for their managerial work during my absence for H.E.L.P. work in Bangladesh. I am also thankful for the interest, practical and financial support of all members and supporters. The Committee has met five times in the past 12 months. I have been working for almost 10 months in Bangladesh since our last AGM.

H.E.L.P. is a Christian, non-political, social and international development organization working among needy people of Bangladesh. The goal of the organization is to provide health care, education, food, shelter, hope and skills training for underprivileged people. This includes –

  1. Provision of shelter, food, medicine, clothes and education for under privileged children and women, and emergency relief when possible.
  2. Financial assistance to underprivileged students who show potential for tertiary education.
  3. Vocational skills training for underprivileged young people.
  4. Emergency Relief at the time of natural disasters.

My latest report follows, in a new format, for your information and prayers.

1.  Samaritan Children’s Home:  
We have two dormitories; one for boys and one for girls staying up to school level education along with a Joy Hostel for the college going students who succeeded from Children Home School. Total numbers of children are 426 come from 48 districts of the 64 administrative districts of Bangladesh.

2. Underprivileged Children Rescued by Amnesty International:

3.  High School:
The Samaritan Children Home High School consists of 17 trained teachers where 632 students are getting education, from play group to grade 10. Over 200 students are from the local community and the rest live in the children’s home. Gradually more students from the community are getting admission here comparatively last year as a reason of 100% success in the public examinations; School holidays are keeping minimum where other schools remain close as per Education Board and finally teachers are taking regular care. It is noted that each year, some tribal kids gets admission in the Children Home who can not speak Bengali causes difficult to follow class lessons so they join special learning session after school where a teacher repeats their lessons and practice Bangla.  As I said that these cast of children are really doing well then other children in the school.      

4. Excellent Education Performance:
HELP Bangladesh is concerned to achieve its goal to provide fundamental rights to deprived and underprivileged children, especially those from the remote areas of Bangladesh. One of the main aims of HELP Bangladesh is to provide education for children and this is the main reason that kids come to our Home. These children were deprived of education due to their poverty and also the attitude of their family members.

The present education policy of the Government is to attain 3 steps public exams by the school level student then allowing college level study. I would like to mention that we had 44 students in grade 5 out of them 32 students got grade  A , 10  grade  A –  and 2 grade  B succeeded 100%. We had 41 students in grade 8 out of them 28 students got grade A , 12 grade A – and 2 grade  B, succeeded 100%. We had 24 students in grade 10, out of them 1 student got A+, 9 grade A, 9 grade A – and 4 B grades, succeeded 100%. We had 12 students in grade 12 out of them 7 students got grade A , 4 grade A – and 1 grade B. succeeded 100%. 

5.  Mechanical Department:
We have two trained mechanical teacher. The last financial year 7 trainees got admission for one year course. The course started with 6 new community students along with 1 children home boy. They all successfully completed the course, given them certificates and soon they will get jobs. The new training course will be started within October. The trainees who go under this training get maximum practical exercise besides the theoretical classes by the close supervision of our trained mechanical teacher.     

6.  Computer Department:
Romio Ashu Das is our computer teacher. He had been grew up at the children home and was trained as a computer teacher. He is now capable to handle all short of trouble related to computer. He is not only looking our office computers but he is teaching our school students as well as conducting training course as batch wise of the community students. The Computer Department gives certificate to the successfully course completion trainees. 

H.E.L.P Bangladesh has their own website at www. Please do visit our website and let know other friends.

7.  Sponsors:
Milton Baidya is the head of our Sponsors Department. He grew up at our children home from his childhood. Presently he is able to communicate with the sponsors of our kids, can maintain his on going works with the kids in due time. He is very active therefore he follows the time frame responding of the sponsors by the kids and other correspondence of the donors.

8.  Medical:
The doctor along with the medical team is residential providing services to the children as need basis, staff as well as the local community. The medical team takes initiative to teach health and hygiene class for making the children as age wise awareness of their physical protection. Most of the local patients are women and their kids taking medical service at any time. We are very thankful to the Keystone Community Church in Detroit, USA for their financial support over the years.

9. Micro-Credit:
This project is working with 83 women’s groups, consisting of 1212 family members, in 10 villages. The organization got Government approval from the Micro Credit Regulatory Authority and this certificate is essential for Micro credit project. This project opened a saving wing for the members which helped the beneficiaries in crisis period as well as protection from the thieves. The members implement their projects taking loan from here. The recovery rate of loan Installments for small income generating projects is about 98%.


10.  Sewing Centre:
Six ladies and one man work in this department. Mainly the ladies maintain the Sewing Center and the man works as a gents cutting and sewing purpose though he helps also sometime for ladies works. The center keeps the necessary accessories according the demand of the local customer. The sale procedure is working very satisfactorily.

11.  Cultural:
The cultural teacher always take the new small kids for practicing cultural activities and the other running cultural groups from small to teenagers always do practice as per scheduled time. The teenagers who perform best take initiative to teach others. Normally the cultural classes take place in the morning and afternoon.

12.  Kitchen Garden:
This Kitchen garden initiative was taken by the financial help of Bayside Baptist Church in Sydney. We give thanks for this financial help. Usually we grow various seasonal vegetables in around the whole year. We are grateful to Bayside Baptist Church as we get fresh vegetables to meet the demand of the children’s home.

13.  Chapel Activities:
The children are strongly encouraged to learn good behavior and a friendly attitude. The chaplain takes care to maintain discipline in order to perform the daily scheduled works starting from morning devotion till evening devotion. The chaplain makes the children understanding if find anyone refrain from disciplinary works. The staff also joins the morning devotions before they begin work in their respective departments.

14. Construction of the Joy Hostel:
The Joy Hostel is the hostel for college aged students who have completed School Level Education at the children’s home. There are 21 college students have been admitted to the nearest colleges considering mainly the number of students are limited, Teachers are friendly and close to the students, the quality of education is much more better and lastly there is no transportation cost involved. There are 5 to 6 more colleges at Savar town that could be reached by transport and the numbers of students are more in each class.

The construction work of the Joy Hostel is about completed. I do hope that this construction will be completed within October. We need your prayers for completing the construction work successfully. I praise God for His blessings.

15. Construction of Girl’s Hostel extension at Samaritan Children’s Home:


Prayer and Praise Points:
Praise God for the good exam results of the Children Home and Joy Hostel kids.
Praise God for garden funds from Bayside Baptist Church in Sydney.
Praise God for the completion of second term exams at the Home School.
Praise God that the Joy Hostel construction work is about completed.
Pray for twelve grown up kids who are leaving us to begin standing on their own feet.
Pray for more funds needed to run our medical team efficiently.
Pray for our 17 teachers as they seek to teach our kids in a disciplined way.
Pray for chaplain for initiative to guide the children in discipline way.
Pray for more sponsorship support for our little ones.

Thanks for your loving prayers and financial help to our ministry over the years.
In His service,

David A Halder
